When is the Movie coming out?

Since I became an author there are some questions that have come up again and again. They’re often to do with the writing process, how and when I write, where the ideas come from, how I got published, that sort of thing. But there’s one question that has nothing to do with creating books at …

Firsts and Lasts: my Read Regional adventure!

It’s hard to believe it’s over already! Yesterday was my last Read Regional event, at a library in Thorne near Doncaster. And what a great way to finish; the pupils from King Edward School were attentive, engaging and asked some great questions. I’ve enjoyed all of the events I’ve done in very different ways. They’ve …

HR Giger – master of nightmares

When I was ten I got a poster of the alien from Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic of the same name. It would be years until I got to see the movie, but there was something about the unique design that grabbed my attention. I shared a room with my brother back then and he didn’t …

Snapshots from Sweden

Last year I was lucky enough to be asked by New Writing North to go to the Gothenburg Book Fair in Sweden. I had a great time and made some new friends, including Jan Smedh from The English Bookshop in Uppsala, Sweden. Since then Jan and I have stayed in touch and he was kind enough …