June Edit – part 1

“Here’s the challenge, Niel: you’ve got a month to do the next draft of The Death of Goldilocks. Thirty three chapters in thirty days. Are you in?” This is the voice in my head, always challenging me, always taunting me, except when it’s singing songs I hate, or deleting important memories and replacing them with …

Screaming at the sky

Tomorrow there’s a partial solar eclipse happening over Great Britain! It’s been about sixteen years since I witnessed the last one, but I remember it clearly. (You can see one of the grainy photos I took of it, above.) The oddest thing was the birds falling silent as the sky darkened, as if they were …

The evolving story

Stories can be slippery devils! Sometimes an early spark of an idea can shift, turn and evolve in ways you never expect. That’s how it was with my latest project, currently titled The Death of Goldilocks. It came to me during the winter of 09/10 when we had some very severe temperatures and heavy snowfall. …

When is the Movie coming out?

Since I became an author there are some questions that have come up again and again. They’re often to do with the writing process, how and when I write, where the ideas come from, how I got published, that sort of thing. But there’s one question that has nothing to do with creating books at …