Category: Writing

  • New Who coming soon!

    New Who coming soon!

    The news is out! More soon!

  • Well, here we are!

    Well, here we are!

    Do you hear that? That’s the sound of my blog furnace reigniting after a year of inactivity. The last time I blogged was in December 2021. The entirety of 2022 whizzed by, screaming obscenities, then 2023 turned up, standing in the rain, hoping to be let in. Now it’s April already, but better late than…

  • Doctor Who: The Ice Kings

    Maureen O’Brien reads an action-packed original adventure for the Twelfth Doctor, as played on TV by Peter Capaldi. When Professor Irene Hyde’s Monday morning lecture at St Luke’s University is rudely interrupted by a man named the Doctor, it’s the beginning of an adventure she could never have dreamt possible. Soon they are hurtling backwards…

  • My 2021

    My 2021

    I think for many people, the last two years can be filed under ‘strange’. For me it’s been a time of self-doubt, uncertainty, depression and renewal. Some positives: after my first adventure into writing for a licenced property came out in November 2020, I returned to the worlds of BLAKE’S 7 for the release of…

  • LA Sci-Fi Film Festival win!

    I’m stunned and delighted to say that my feature screenplay THE WAITING ROOM only went and WON the Best Unproduced Screenplay award at the LA Sci-Fi and Horror Film Festival! I’m over the moon! The next step is to get this thing produced. Any Producer friends out there want to take a look?

  • Bayban’s back, baby!

    More than 40 years since his first (and last) appearance, Bayban the Butcher is back! In case you don’t know, Bayban was a memorable character from the Blake’s 7 episode City at the Edge of the World played with gusto by Colin Baker. A fan favourite, Bayban was presumed dead at the end of the…

  • Doctor Who: The Ashes of Eternity

    New audiobook alert! Here’s the cover for my first Doctor Who audio adventure, due out in October. Adjoa Andoh reads a dynamic new story featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose, as played on TV by Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. When the Doctor diverts an asteroid from its collision course with Earth, the TARDIS is…

  • Blake’s 7: Chosen

    Blake’s 7: Chosen

    +PLASMA BOLTS INBOUND AT VECTOR SIX EIGHT THREE+Zen’s detached voice filled the flight deck, his measured tone at odds with the urgency of the situation.+FORCE WALL CANNOT SUSTAIN A DIRECT HIT IN THAT SECTION. RECOMMEND EVASIVE ACTION…+  As a damaged Liberator drifts in the skies above, Blake, Vila and Jenna scope out the planet below. But what…

  • September 1st: 10 years of writing

    I’ve always loved writing, ever since I was a little boy. For years it was comic strips, then it was TV and film scripts, and in between I dabbled with writing a book, but I never got much further than a chapter or three. It always seemed like too big a task. I’d write a few…