I am a Chair

I am a Chair. Not a piece of furniture exactly, but the charismatic leader of a desperate band of rebels fighting the evil Federation. OK, that’s not quite right. I’m now the Chair of the Society of Authors regional group, Authors North. I’ve been helping out with the events committee for the last year and …

Recent Events

A new term means new school visits. Here’s some pictures from two recent events at King James Academy and Pentland Primary School. Both were great fun, and a chance to meet new readers. Thanks to both schools for arranging a visit. If you’d like me to visit your school, library, bookshop or literary festival, or for …

Orbiting Buzz

I was born in the Lunar Age. By the time I’d made my appearance on the planet we’d already walked on the moon twice. (It would have been three times if not for the near-death accident that aborted Apollo 13’s moon shot.) Even though I was only two years old when the last man walked …

Adventure at Buckingham Palace

Last week I was lucky enough to go to a garden party at Buckingham Palace. The actual Buckingham Palace. In London. Where the Queen lives. I know! It all started last year when I volunteered to to join the committee of the Society of Authors sub group, Authors North. Since then I’ve helped out with …