Writing & Stuff #03

I filmed the latest edition of Writing & Stuff on a trip to London last week. It’s the usual mix of rambling thoughts and vague plans but with added shaky camera effects! On the bright side it also includes an interview with my agent, Juliet Mushens, who gives some advice to writers submitting their work …

MWAHAHAHAH! Ten Sure-Fire Tips to get your book published!

So now I’m a published author I must have all the answers, right? Right! I’ve been given the secret code to the secret door to the Super Dooper Secret Club Of Super-Evil Published Authors, or SDSCOSEPA for short, but as no one could agree how to pronounce SDSCOSEPA everyone calls it MWAHAHAHAH! When you’re initiated into MWAHAHAHAH! …

Dare to Page Jump!

I’ve never been an adrenaline junky.  I like the ground under my feet and the sky above me. Years ago, when I had the opportunity to do a bungee jump I considered it for about three seconds, then decided it wasn’t for me. The thought of two weeks of anxiety in the run up to …