
Sorrowline featured in Guardian Top 10 list

I was thrilled to read that my first novel, Sorrowline, was mentioned in Rhian Ivory’s top 10 books set in the past and the present article for the Guardian. Here’s what Rhian said:

I love and am quite jealous of the unique idea at the heart of this book: you can travel through Sorrowlines, the channels that connect every gravestone with the date of the person’s death. Why didn’t I think of this first? This beautiful and sensitive way to explore time travel takes Jack, the protagonist, back to 1940s war-torn London, with his then-teenage grandfather, Davey. However Jack’s time travelling hasn’t gone unnoticed, there are dark forces lurking in the wings, the Dustmen. I read this book to my 11 and eight year old and we were all completely hooked by the unique concept, the strong characters and the fast-paced plot. Thank goodness it is part of a trilogy.

Rhian is also an author and has a new book out called The Boy Who Drew the Future.


Writer & Artist based in the North East of England.

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