I am a Chair

I am a Chair

I am a Chair.

Not a piece of furniture exactly, but the charismatic leader of a desperate band of rebels fighting the evil Federation.

Not the Author's North committee

OK, that’s not quite right. I’m now the Chair of the Society of Authors regional group, Authors North. I’ve been helping out with the events committee for the last year and it’s been a lot of fun. When John Rice, the former Chair, reached the end of his term someone had to volunteer to take his place. Well, volunteer is a strong word. I think it’s closer to the truth that everyone else took a step back and I found myself taking on the role. We officially handed over the non-existent Sword of Office at the most-recent Author’s North event in York. Now I have the power!!

What does this mean for you? Free bananas at your local primary school? Early finish on a Friday afternoon? Sadly, no. It’s business as usual. But if you come along to one of our Authors North events next year you’ll see my eager bald face grinning at you, introducing a few of the talks and generally getting in the way of an otherwise well-oiled event. I hope to see you there.

The Author's North committee
Author’s North rebels: Colin Shelbourn, Chris Chatterton, Rhoda Baxter and Anna Ganley